Welcome to Wombat Linux

Lightweight, fast Linux built with some Musl 💪.

What is Wombat Linux?

Wombat Linux is a distinctive Linux distribution designed for users who value simplicity, efficiency, and control. It stands out in the Linux ecosystem for its lean architecture, performance, and adherence to the principles of minimalist design.

Key Features

Why Wombat Linux?

The development of Wombat Linux is driven by a few key philosophies:

  1. Simplicity and Minimalism: In a world where operating systems are increasingly complex, Wombat Linux takes a different approach, focusing on simplicity and minimalism. This makes it easier to understand, use, and maintain.
  2. Performance and Efficiency: By using Musl libc and a non-GNU core, Wombat Linux is streamlined for performance. It's an excellent choice for systems where resources are a premium, such as afforable hardware or embedded systems.
  3. User Empowerment: Wombat Linux is designed for users who want to understand and control their operating system. It avoids unnecessary bloat and complexity, putting the user in charge.
  4. Community and Openness: As an open-source project, Wombat Linux encourages community involvement and contributions, fostering an environment of collaboration and continuous improvement.

Ideal for...

Wombat Linux is ideal for users who are experienced with Linux and prefer a system they can easily control and understand. It's also well-suited for developers, minimalism enthusiasts, and anyone looking to breathe new life into older hardware.


Wombat Linux itself is versioned using the Semantic Versioning system on top of a semi-rolling release system. This means that generally speaking, Wombat Linux upgradable without needing to reinstall the entire system or use any special tools besides the Comet package manager (which is built into the system).